Latest newsletter: "Spinning tops"
January 28, 2020This is a Haiku written by Takahama Kyoshi.
"Tatofureba Koma no hajikeru gotokunari"
(Translation: You and I were like competing spinning tops.The hot arguments we had would have never happened without the
relationship of mutual trust.)
Time flies, January 2020 is going to be over.
How did you spend the New Year's holidays with your friends and families? Some years ago, Japanese children used to play traditional games in New Year's holidays. Tako-age (flying kites), Hane-tsuki (Japanese badminton using battledore and shuttlecock), Koma-mawashi (top-spinning), Karuta (card games) and Fuku-warai (game like "pin the tail on the donkey") were special New Year's amusements. But now, we rarely see children playing those traditional games. This month, we would like to see the history of "Koma (spinning tops)".
Read the full article:
Originally used for fortune-telling : Spinning tops
Translation by: Naoko Yamashita, reviewed by Chan Yee Ting
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