Latest newsletter: " Charcoal"
December 25, 2018Here is a Tanka, Japanese traditional poem, written by AOKI Getto
Kiku sumi no Kawo tatsukashimi Fuyugomori
Interpretation: Though we stay in the house most days during the
winter, Kiku sumi gives us the joy of its smell.
It's already at the end of the year again and we feel that we are
already in the middle of the winter in Japan. Although we can choose
any heating equipment that suits us depending on our living styles or
purpose, charcoal is the one which has been used to warm up Japanese
people for a long time.
Read the full article:
An heat source which also provides us with a joyful aroma: Charcoal
Translation by: Hitomi Kochi, reviewed by Chan Yee Ting
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