Latest newsletter: Snake
February 16, 2017The woman carried on. "No matter how you look, I will not forget what
we've had. Please show me who you are." "If you say so." Then he
appeared from a grotto as a big snake crawling out. Its body was
coiling itself looked more than 150 centimetres, and probably 4 or 5
metres if it all stretched.
The Tale of Heike, chapter eight, No.3 "Omaki (The Reel of Thread)"
Because of the snakes' traits such as "move fast even though they have
no feet", "survive without any food for a long time" as well as being
a "molting animal", snakes have been worshipped all over the world as
they were considered not only mysterious, vital but also strongly
regenerative since ancient times.
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A messenger sent by a Japanese Buddhist goddess, Benzaiten: Snake
Translation by: Hitomi Kochi, reviewed by Chan Yee Ting
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