Latest newsletter: Ginkgo tree
November 28, 2017Here is a Tanka written by YOSANO Akiko (feminist author, poet in 20c).
"Konjiki no Chisaki tori no Katachishite Icho chirunari Yuhi no okani"
Interpretation: A leaf of Ginkgo is swirling down like a shining golden
bird illuminated by the sunset.
Autumn is in full swing and it is the time autumn beautifully tints
the tree leaves all over Japan. Autumn view is created by various colours
and kinds of trees such as red maple leaves, brown zelkova and beech
leaves, yellow ginkgo and populus leaves, which is appreciated by
Japanese people. There are 570 thousand ginkgo trees planted as
roadside trees. Actually the number of ginkgo tree is the most among
all the tree species in Japan. As ginkgo tree contains high water content,
they are fire resistant and being used as fire-preventing tree since
ancient times.
Read the full article:
A symbol of love and life: Ginkgo tree"
Translation by: Hitomi Kochi, reviewed by Chan Yee Ting
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